I fast-tracked my book publishing plan so I could participate in The Dock Bookshop’s Spring Fling on April 15. I was so excited when the book got approved on KDP and immediately proceeded to order my author copies on April 2. Then came the disappointment when I learned that author copies ship slowly, so even with expedited shipping, my books weren’t guaranteed to arrive before the 15th. I continued preparing anyway, and intended to make it a book promo event if it couldn’t be a book signing. I was hesitant to invite people personally though, to avoid an awkward situation of “you made me drive all the way just to scan a QR code to amazon?!”. Today, I received a favorable shipping update and raised hopes that books will arrive on time.

Here are the details for the event.

Date: April 15, 2023

Time: 12 – 4pm

Place: The Dock Bookshop (and Level 3 Event Center, next door)
6637 Meadowbrook Dr.
Fort Worth, TX

The event is themed, Books, Business, Beauty and Beyond. It will feature local and national authors, a business expo, business empowerment sessions, haircare/beauty workshops, book clubs and more.

It is free to attend but registration is encouraged https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-fling-books-business-beauty-beyond-tickets-587907797047?fbclid=IwAR2I4t2j7B6cmVVvDd3xvzKLeU05poThe9aaybkZLQFRzM3OpiYkMlRMvMY


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